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Benelux Part III (Brugge, the Haque, & Amsterdam)

Well, I have kept you in suspense long enough. Here is the castle we stayed in. It was pretty exciting. Musty, creaky, creepy, and full of character. It rained in the middle of the night and we had a nice puddle on the floor of the hallway.

 Real moat and everything
 Modern conveniences in the rooms, except for a working shower.
 Stone stairwell.
 Creepy paintings all throughout the castle.
 The grounds surrounding the castle were just a interesting. We are not sure why these trees were leaning.

 Pris found a bench to lounge on.
 This by the caretakers house.
 This is where the drawbridge used to be, right?
 I think we were afraid to stay in our rooms.
 The dining room was fancy!

 The view from our rooms.
 Huge master bed. We were watching a little American TV. It was finally in English.
 Pris was banished to sleep in the closet bedrooms.
 Breakfast we discovered Speculoos spread. AMAZING Stuff!
 We took the scenic route to the Haque. We discovered these tree lined canals early in our trip.
 We think they went all the way out to the ocean.
 Walking paths too.
 Really scenic.

 We found our first windmill. Then we found the mother load. 19 total in the same area.

 Canals everywhere.

 That evening we made it to the Hague. We went to the beach and had dinner for Priscilla's Birthday.

 The location was a lot better than the food. It made for a fun experience.

 The next day we made it to Amsterdam. More canals, but house boats too.

 It seemed like there was always a bike race going on.

More to come.

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