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Avery and Pairee

Avery was lucky enough to get to go to Paris with only her Mom, Dad, and Aunt Priscilla.
We only had two days, so we made it worth it.

 The train ride was a quick 2 hours. It went 320 kmh!

 We had a hard time find where to go when we first arrived. We walked a lot.

 And a lot!


 But we found our hotel.

 Here is the view from our window.

 Just down the street.

 We went to a the Gallery. Fancy place. We had lunch here Baguettes and crepes of course.


We found the Notre Dame Cathedral.

It was a huge church with a lot of stained glass.

 We weren't quite sure where to go next.

So we went over the Pont Louis-Philippe bridge.

It was hot that day. 75 degrees.

We went to the Louvre. Avery feet were really tired by then.

 The pyramid outside was amazing.

We found the Mona Lisa.

We had to cool our feet off after hours of walking around town and the Louvre.

That night we had a dinner of Le Cheese Burgers and slept in our two level room in our hotel.

We started the day off with riding the subway to the Arch De triumph.

Avery striking a pose.

We also found the Eiffel Tower.

We also went to the Muse de Orsay and saw a lot of French Impressionist. Here is a picture of my Dad's favorite.

After that, we were tired. We had walked a lot. It was a fun two days.

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