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Final Benelux post Amsterdam and our last days in Germany

Sorry, being home makes it harder to post. Here are the final pictures from our trip to Benelux. Since our camera died on the trip, we only have a few of the last couple days before we came home.

 These boats seemed like they were not going to go anywhere.

 Bikes were the way of life there.

 This house boat has been there awhile.

 They had narrow canals too.

 This is outside the Richstag Museum. We didn't go inside. It was under construction.

 We did go to the VanGough which was really great to see.

 Found a sweet t-shirt shop and got ripped off.

 This is our future family transportation.

These next few pictures are of Cochem on the Mosel river. Beautiful wine valley

 Lush and green

 The castle was pretty modern for the area 1830.

 The whole crew (minus Pris)
 You can't see Wilson's smile behind the brat, but it is just as big.

 I am not sure what happened to Joh and I.
 We hiked up to the castle.

 Now you know why they built it up there.

 Wren found a carousel to ride on.
 So did the other kids.

 Played a little chess with the sis. Lost a little too.

 Vineyards were expansive.

These are pictures of Mittlebrunn and the farmers fields.

 Being around Dad was great, except I realized I was starting to dress like him. Snazzy dresser he is.

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