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GNP is Amazing

Yesterday we got back from three days, two nights at Glacial National Park. The place is beautiful. It reminded us of the Alps of Germany (mini alps).
Here are some pictures of our trip. We would love to have people join us next time or anytime.

We stopped on the way up and had lunch.

Right along Flathead lake.

The dark figure is Avery inside the park at Lake McDonald.

Cooling off before dinner.

Forest comes right up to the water.

Wren even ventured into the water.

After a good nights sleep, we woke up and had the traditional pancakes.

Here is our site.

Wren was excited.
So were we.

We had a hard time leaving the camp site we were having so much fun.

Some smaller falls on the way up to Logan's pass.

Wilson didn't want to get to close.

Lots of crystal blue water.

See the "U" shaped walls. Carved by the slow grind of glaciers.

We had to stop on the way up for traffic.

Heaven's peak off in the distance. 9,000 feet.

St. Mary's lake was huge.
We drove over to Many Glacier for the first day. We hiked around the lake.

Looks like Eibsee to me.

People keep telling us there was a baby grizzly around the bend, but we never saw.

Plenty of family photos.
After our hot and tiring hikes, we decided to go swimming. Except we forgot our swim suits.

Didn't stop us.
The kids got sworn in as Junior Rangers.
Up Logan Pass, this was are refueling before the hike.

More resting before the hike.

The boardwalk up to the glacier.
Macey lost her second front tooth at Glacier.

We did a lot of hiking on the snow. Pretty slippery. Lots of snowball fights.

Three mountain goats right on the trail.

See how close we were.

Another goat sighting. Again really close and they were not even phased.

Hidden lake up at the top.

Beautiful views.

Here was a Mommy goat and a little youngin'. They were not afraid to walk by us.

This is on the drive home. Hundreds of cherry orchards around Flathead lake. Cherries were as awesome as the view around the lake.

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Unknown said...

What a great family!!! Those trips really bring you together. Those lakes look a lot like Eibsee

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