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Final fun of the summer

For our last hooray of the summer we went to Utah for another three weeks. (yikes). We jam packed it with fun stuff.

 We visited with our Minnesota friends the Judsons.
 Kate was really surprised to see us.
 Striking a pose.
 Next we floated the Provo river.
 We had two inflatable kayaks. We only flipped over once.
 Proof we didn't lose anyone.
 We hung out with Josh and Eliza's family at city creek park.
 Played in the water.
 Went to the Church history museum.
 Fast forward to our bear lake trip. Almost all the cousins.
 The water was warm and calm.
 Wren wanted to jump right in.

 Wilson loved the kid kayaks.
 This is about as far as Wren would go.
 We went to the North shore one day.
 Really warm water.
 Huge beach.
 Jada and Wilson had lots of fun digging in the dirt.
 Ate all the junk food we could.
 Went tubing.

 We got back home and went for hikes up rattlesnake.
 Our favorite playing in the river.
 Mom's triathlon in Hamilton.
 The swimming section.
 The cheering section.
 Johanna lapped other swimmers. See was pretty fast.
 Although the bike section was a little different.
 She kept going.
 Ran hard all the way to the end.
 We cheered her all the way in.
Avery and Macey got to do a kids triathlon.
They were great swimmers. They went double the distance everyone else did.
 Transition to  the bikes was hard.
 Avery ran a good race.
 Wilson decided to join in on the running section.
 They all got medals. (Except Wren)

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First backpacking trip

 We went on our first backpacking trip ever. We went to the Uintas in Utah. Kamas lake loop. It was 3.8 total. We had a lot of fun.

Wilson's load wasn't too heavy.
Avery had a little more stuff.

 Macey's shoulders were hurting a little. 1.75 miles in.
 Camp was perfect. Plenty of room. Right next to the lake.

 Amazing views all around camp.
 Wilson and Peter.
 Having fun.
 Ramen for dinner. Macey was starving.
 After a fun rain filled night.
 Still smiling.
 Steep hike back to the trailhead. 2 miles back.

 All the oldest cousins on the manwaring side.
Last major rest before we got back.
Everyone was great and did a awesome job hiking.

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